What made you happy today?

As Iphones go, I'd guess it's one of the less expensive ones at $440. :rolleyes: I guess part of what you're paying for is the store tech guy setting it up and transferring all the stuff from your old phone.

A friend told me that they had to pay $50 each to get their phones set up. I was very surprised, but she said, "Well, you probably bought your phones at the store." Uh... yeah...?

We weren't even thinking of buying one off a third party site.
I could never spend that kind of money on a phone. All my stuff transfers on Android, through Google, for free. Hope you like your new phones though, sincerely
I saw yesterday that the girls were out of oyster shell so I stopped by tractor supply on the way home. My local tractor supply has several carts full of clearance items and sitting right on top of one of the carts was a bag of oyster shell. Exactly what I came in for

Another coincidence, the customer at the other register's total was exactly what mine was. $4.31. He brought a bone for his dog I think

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