What made you happy today?

What are they?
The Shires Velociti Leather Cinch and Shires ARMA Western Cinch collection. The catalog just came out so I'm not sure when they'll be available for sale in stores but I'm super thrilled to see them on paper!
I only got to consult on the initial concept of it, but they took a lot of my suggestions.
Granted if I order them in and they're not actually that good I'm going to be super disappointed...
The Shires Velociti Leather Cinch and Shires ARMA Western Cinch collection. The catalog just came out so I'm not sure when they'll be available for sale in stores but I'm super thrilled to see them on paper!
I only got to consult on the initial concept of it, but they took a lot of my suggestions.
Granted if I order them in and they're not actually that good I'm going to be super disappointed...
That's cool!
Sunshine, blue sky and light wind. Is that too much to ask? Mother nature thinks so.

My dog is shaking and tongue stick out in distress whenever he hears thunder/lightning . Being new year eve fireworks, he will be in great distress. I will turn the radio on with classical station and closed the door.

Happy New Year! 🎆
Check with your vet to see if they will give you some gabapentin for his anxiety.
A small collection of products I helped consult on made it into production and are now in a catalog for hundreds of stores to order internationally.
Congratulations! Must be exciting to see the results of your efforts in the real world. I hope they do well.

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