What made you happy today?

Don't charge it above 80% and the battery will last longer. If your phone doesn't have a setting to limit charging to 80%, there are apps available such as Battery Minder to help you monitor it.
This ⬆️⬆️⬆️

My last MotoG swelled up, I had no idea leaving it plugged in was bad for the battery. My current MotoG is close to 4 years old, has lasted a LOT longer with controlled charging.
What made me happy?


First day of vacation, at the beach.
My liver function is basically almost back to normal now according to the blood test results I just got back. Still very slightly elevated levels but considering it was like WAY over the normal level before, I’ll take a little tiny bit over LOL the doctor didn’t think it was that high before or not enough to be super concerned or anything but I’m personally glad it’s down despite that lol
Fixed a broken chicken feeder. Had been putting it off for about a month. It's basically a 30-gallon black plastic trash can I had out PVC ports in a year or so ago, and did it kind of badly. It fell apart, or at least it was leaking feed around some of the ports. I got some of that 6000 glue, cleaned it up good and today I did it up right. Proud of myself. May post a pic tomorrow.

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