What Mixes Does The Brahma Have?


7 Years
Feb 9, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I Was Just Wondering What Two Mixes Does The Brahma Have I Know One Of Them Is Cochin But are They Related To The Sussex Cause as You Know The Light Sussex and The Light Brahma Both Look alike Except For The Feathery Legs Here's a Picture Of a Light Sussex

and Here's a Picture Of a Light Brahma

So are They Related??
There are several breeds that have the columbian color that you see in light Sussex and light Brahma. I don't believe the Brahmas and Sussex are related. Brahmas were developed in Asia and are in the Asiatic class along with Cochins and Langshans. Sussex were developed in England so fall into the English class along with Orpintons, Cornish, Dorkings, and Redcaps.

Brahmas are believed to be a result of Cochins crossed with Jungle Fowl. Light Brahmas were admitted as a recognized breed of the American Poultry Association in 1874. Light Sussex were not admitted until 1924.

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