What motivates you to brush your teeth?

What motivates you?

  • The clean feeling

  • The coolness of water after the mint flavour

  • I never brush my teeth

  • Someone else makes me

  • I want healthy teeth

  • I want white teeth

  • Other

  • The fact that if you don't your teeth will be yellow and your sisters/brothers/other peoples wont(c)

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I was trying to think of something else that has a similar effect but I'm drawing a blank. If I drink coffee and don't brush my teeth they start to feel almost mossy. Disgusting.
If I can't brush my teeth I will definitely chew gum to get rid of that feeling.
I want healthy teeth. My dad by the age of 30 had a mouth full of fakes. Not a single real one because he did not stay on top of brushing when he was a kid. He still has to pay lots of money for regular operations on his mouth because he neglected his teeth when he was young.

I don’t want that. Dental work ain’t cheap.
My teeth are the one part of my body which I actually take some pride in.

Here's a pic I took earlier
Brushing my teeth makes me remember how much treatment costs at the dentist and how painful it is when my teeth hurt.

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