What Music Are You Listening To Today?

Had a day off and decided to go a bit crazy with some loud music while cooking and cleaning the kitchen, all while having a drink. I could just feel the judgement from our dogs and cats, even the chickens watching me from the porch were judging me 😅

I hope you were asking for a list of personal favorites! My youtube algorithm creates playlists for me based off what I frequently listen to and/or search as I'm too lazy to really make my own playlist.
So basically I had musical whiplash going from this:
To this
And all of these, plus many others not particularly worth mentioning.
So everyone loves a bit of music. It helps the mind,
Music can have many positive effects on the brain, including improving mood, reducing stress, and improving memory!

I'm interested in finding out, what's everyone's favorite song or...which songs are you playing today whether you be at work, at home or simply just in bed trying to fall asleep at night.

I'm a country fan at heart but open to any genres.

Feel free to attach YouTube links etc


Just some random names
I didn’t get the tag, but I found your thread anyway :p

Today I was listening to some Dolly Parton in the car.

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