What should we feed our indoor chickens?

The Chickens' Maid

15 Years
May 2, 2009
formerly CT, now Ukraine
We have two bantam chickens, a Serama rooster and a bantam frizzle Cochin hen, that we keep in the house. We are currently feeding them layer feed, like the outside chickens get, but we were wondering if that is the best food for them? Is there a better feed for indoor chickens? There is obviously a lot that they aren't getting that the ones outside forage for in their pens. I've started giving them poly-vi-sol vitamins and grit when they need it. Is this alright for them? Thanks!
I would continue feeding the layer feed. If they were mine, I would also add some mealworms (they love crickets too), greens, boiled or scrambled eggs and meat scraps to their diet. As you said, they don't have access to the things the outside chickens do, so bring the outside to them. My chicks in the brooder LOVE when I bring them a clump of grass and dirt from outside. Good luck!
We have two bantam chickens, a Serama rooster and a bantam frizzle Cochin hen, that we keep in the house. We are currently feeding them layer feed, like the outside chickens get, but we were wondering if that is the best food for them? Is there a better feed for indoor chickens? There is obviously a lot that they aren't getting that the ones outside forage for in their pens. I've started giving them poly-vi-sol vitamins and grit when they need it. Is this alright for them? Thanks!
First off you did not say how old they are so I will mention both. If they are new to 22 weeks medicated chick feed would be fine with regular 3 grain scratch and fruits (no citrus)) and plenty of veggies. If they are 22+ weeks old then layer feed and added super crushed oyster shells with crushed egg shells with the treat.

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