What sort of treats should I give my chicks?


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Philly, PA
Someone on here (I forgot who. *looks sheepish* ) mentioned that my chicks would really warm up to us by giving them treats.
I forgot to ask earlier...uh, what sort of treats do you give chicks.

Hard boiled egg, grapes, bread, watermelon, a bit of grass...there's lots of things you can give them. Chicks don't really need treats at all...you can try offering them some of their starter from your hand. Be sure to provide grit if you do offer treats of any kind.

I remember reading a huge thread on this topic although I cannot remember the title of it. Try searching 'treats'- maybe you'll be able to find it. There was a link included in one of the posts that pointed to a very long list of suitable things (as well as unsuitable) things for chicks.
They make it for chicks. You just need to put some in their feed or a bowl just for grit. You could just put some dirt in the brooder. They would get some grit out of it.
i have a dish in with the chicks that has sand and occasionally some garden dirt in it. they seem to really enjoy picking through the dirt for 'treasures'.
Chick starter has enough grit in it for them to digest the starter. You only need to offer grit if you're offering treats
. I've heard play sand works, too. Actually, very humousy rich garden soil with a lot of organic matter in it doesn't work very well. It's the tiny little rocky bits that do the trick. Usually the birds can pick out the parts they need, though, but for chicks I like to play it safe and offer them little that they won't benefit from.


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