I had two 12 week old Buff Laced Polish chicks who both got frostbite on toes recently. I guess I assumed they are from Poland and are therefore cold-hardy-I was wrong! They aren't from Poland and are not cold hardy. One appeared to go into septic shock from a frostbit toe and died almost immediately after. The other one got what looks to be frostbite on two toes, with one toe puffy and split at one point. She has been doing great since I found her. She's in the garage now and I've been giving her a warm foot bath and then coating the toe to betadine, neosporin, and a bandaid. She is responsive and eating, drinking, and chatting away with her brooder buddies. I brought her to the vet today just in case, and the vet said she wanted to do bloodwork and give her an x-ray to assess the condition of the bone before chosing an antibiotic for her. However, they didn't end up having time to do any of that today. I am thinking this will be expensive and wondering if she seems to be doing fine, is it worth going in and treating her with antibiotics anyway? Does a little frostbite on a toe just go away on its own sometimes? I've included a picture of my girl and her frostbit toes. Thanks.