What to do with lone male coturnix?


In the Brooder
Nov 1, 2022
Thanks to all who answered my post yesterday. Long story short, an animal tore up our coop and all but the male were lost. He seems fine, just a few blood feathers ripped out, but we don’t know what to do with him. We do not want to get more quail and risk this happening again, but we know he won’t be happy by himself. The breeder won’t take him back. What should we do? We have a spare hutch we can put in the sunroom for him to live in, but are worried it is too cruel to keep him like that.
You could put an ad out on craigslist, but the odds of him becoming dinner are high. The best thing would be to get him some hens or you might give another roo a home. If there are only two of them and there are no females around, there's a decent chance they'll get along.

Good luck.

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