What to feed adult bobwhite quail?


6 Years
May 21, 2015
I'm currently hatching bobwhite quail and all is going well for them. I have game and showbird starter/grower for them but every time I try to find what to feed adults I can't seem to find an answer. I'm just wanting to know if they need a certain game bird feed or if they can eat regular layer food once they've grown up. Anyother information on raising bobwhite quail is welcome as well, this was a very spur of the moment thing from wanting to experience all types of poultry.
This is something I have looked at a lot. You will get a lot of different answers as to what to feed. The below pdf was a good source of information. If you are looking for eggs then I would feed a layered feed.
I feed tucker milling right now and will more than likely use the Grower/developer until I move them to a layered feed for eggs.


Here is another site that I have also used.


You will see the difference in the protein they recommend.
You can feed them any poultry feed that has sufficient protein. Depending on what you are keeping them for, if you want lots of eggs, a protein feed of 26% will keep them laying. If you are raising them for meat, you will want to feed them a 30% protein for good meat development. If you are keeping them just for fun and dont care about eggs or meat, a 20% will work quite well. Keep in mind, males cannot process a lot of calcium and layer feed over time can lead to kidney disease, very high protein can lead to gout in males that are no longer breeding.

Enjoy your Bobwhite keeping! I used to keep loads of them. My last Bob, a male, recently passed away at 7 1/2 years old.
I like staying natural. I keep pairs in 8x20x6 ft coops. I feed them cracked corn, milo, millet, whole corn, and things like water melon. they love it. they keep raising their own chicks! (broody) if they're just pets, feed them stuff like that
I like staying natural. I keep pairs in 8x20x6 ft coops. I feed them cracked corn, milo, millet, whole corn, and things like water melon. they love it. they keep raising their own chicks! (broody) if they're just pets, feed them stuff like that

Adding greens, veggies, grains, mealworms, fruits, etc...is a wonderful boredom breaker and a way to get trace minerals and vitamins they won't get from poultry feed.
yea, I often catch live grasshoppers for them, and the whole flock runs after those jumpy things, then try to steal it from others. It look hilarious

A lady at my feed store started raising live crickets for her giant lizards she kept, and I once bought a bag of live crickets and turned them loose in the quail aviary. HOLY CROW....the mayhem!.... Quail skerrying, flying, darting everywhere, crickets jumping all over the place! :lau It was not only hilarious to watch but the quail THOROUGHLY enjoyed themselves! :lol: This sort of activity does wonders for a quail's longetivity. :)

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