What wattage is appropriate for an infrared heat lamp?

Kelly G

16 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Tampa (Wesley Chapel), Florida
My Coop
My Coop
I just ordered 15 chicks from Ideal that will be shipped next Wednesday.

I have one heat lamp that has a 75w infrared light that I used last August to keep the chicks temps at 95F. But these are coming in February and we have nights in the 40s-50s.

The chicks will be in a draft-free room...but it does get quite cold in there.

What wattage would be best? I need my peeps toasty warm!
I had mine inside and I had a 125w brooder bulb that I gauged according to the chicks behavior after I first had the temp up the day before they arrived. I had them in a bathtub inside a brooder pen that long. I put a foam egg crate under them to keep them warmmer from below. My chicks did not like the 90+ degree heat and I raised the light until they spread out comfortably. If they clump together under the light lower it some. Eventually I would get a new bulb after I had the light about 3 ' above them , a lower wattage each time. At the last before they went out at 9 weeks I had just a 25 watt red bulb on them. Just so they could see to eat and drink. hope this helps some. Jean
I have a 250W red heat lamp placed about 18" frm the chicks, they like it that way. You need to remember a ceramic, infared, bulb does not give direct heat the way a heat lamp does, it warms the things around it because it is indirect heat. i would use a red heat lamp, it will help with picking and my chicks sleep just fime at night. I hope this helps, Oh if you use the ceramic bulb I would say 275 to 300 watts will be needed. Chris
Before your chicks arrive, you could put an outdoor thermometer in the brooding box, turn on the heat lamp you have, and see if 75W is sufficient for the 40-50 degree temps this time of year.
I use a 250 watt red bulb heat lamp and hang it over the brooder. My brooder is one of those big plastic storage tubs. You do need to test it before you put the chicks in there, and with 15 chicks, anywhere from 85-95 is fine. You'll be able to tell if they are too hot or too cold. Too cold, and they'll huddle together and actually shiver. Too hot and they'll pant and be sleepy all the time. If it's just right, they'll huddle off and on but still run around eating and drinking.
I wanted to use a 250 red heat lamp for my brooder. My hubby was concerned about it falling while we are gone and starting a fire. I'm using a rubbermaid box for a brooder. Should I worry about catching things on fire with the red heat bulb?
That's exactly what I use and I've never had a problem. I've clamped the lamps to the side of the box and I've also hung them from above. They work fine as long as nothing touches the lamp or the shield. I personally feel more secure with it hung.

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