What would you do?


Mar 18, 2025
Hi, all!

We have a Rhode Island Red who I found in our coop a few days ago standing around, not going up to roost at night, generally lethargic and isolated from the rest of the flock, hunched over and fluffed up feathers. She also had a very pasty bottom. We've immediately isolated her inside and the rest of the flock doesn't exhibit any symptoms. We don't know how old she is, as we took her in from someone else, but we've had her for 2 years. We felt her crop, which felt fine at the time. Initially, we weren't sure if she was eggbound so we gave her a few epsom salt baths. We checked the vent, and everything seemed normal. We haven't been able to find any wounds, though she feels very bony on her chest. She hasn't been eating or drinking much of anything over the past two days. Now, she isn't very alert and is weak. Her poop is very white, though she's not producing a lot. I wasn't sure if she had coccidiosis so I've been administering Corrid via syringe, but that hasn't seemed to help. We're interested in treating her ourselves but we're not sure what to do next to help her.
We felt her crop, which felt fine at the time. Initially, we weren't sure if she was eggbound so we gave her a few epsom salt baths.
If a hen is lethargic and sickly, giving them a bath is stressful and can send them over the edge - from what I've learned here. I wouldn't give her any more epsom soaks.
She hasn't been eating or drinking much of anything over the past two days. Now, she isn't very alert and is weak
Try to give her some electrolytes. If you don't have any you can make some sugar water - 1 cup of tepid water, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of baking soda and a pinch of salt. Mix it all up. You may have to syringe it onto her beak a drop at a time or a drop on her tongue to encourage her to drink. For eating, try offering her some scrambled eggs.

When did she last lay an egg? Could she be egg bound?
What do you feed her, including snacks?

Does she have any bubbles or swelling in her eyes or nose?

I noticed you haven't received any responses since yesterday so how is she today?

I'm trying to help but my experience is limited. Tagging others who will be of more help. @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @azygous

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