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Well i wanted to give you all an update...

I got the pathology report back from my surgery last week.

They got my cancer in its early stages and Dr tells me that i do not have to have any chemo or radiation treatments.

i have an infected inscion site and the Dr just tells me to wait it out? im nervous about it. and he is like well call me when you have a fever or you start vomiting...

Glad they caught the cancer early and you don't need the additional treatments. I am not sure about the advise of the incision since infection does not sound good. I guess my advise would be if you are not comfortable with what the doctor has told you then see someone else. Many of us tend to think of doctors knowing everything so I always remind myself that some of them graduated at the top of the class and some at the bottom.. That does not mean that the ones on the bottom are bad doctors, it just reminds me that they are human too and can make mistakes.
Well i wanted to give you all an update...

I got the pathology report back from my surgery last week.

They got my cancer in its early stages and Dr tells me that i do not have to have any chemo or radiation treatments.

i have an infected inscion site and the Dr just tells me to wait it out? im nervous about it. and he is like well call me when you have a fever or you start vomiting...

Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well i wanted to give you all an update...

I got the pathology report back from my surgery last week.

They got my cancer in its early stages and Dr tells me that i do not have to have any chemo or radiation treatments.

i have an infected inscion site and the Dr just tells me to wait it out? im nervous about it. and he is like well call me when you have a fever or you start vomiting...

Wow, thats great news. Yes doctors are so not worried about how we may feel. I would keep an eye on it of course and if it gets hot and really red I would go see the doc and tell him you want to make sure it's ok. Sometimes you have to be the one watching out for yourself.
Here's a picture of my infection last spring the doc's thought was nothing really to worry about didn't even put a bandage on it. So I figure if they are not worried I won't, wrong thinking on this one. I had a total of five! This was the worst.
oh that looks bad. hmm i will pm you a photo of mine to have you see what you think.
it has swollen , red, and i am feeling bad today, though yesterday i did the following.
a. went to the grocery store to get formula for the baby
b. stopped at the drs to get a copy of the pathology report
c. walked from my trailer to the end of the parks driveway and back to get the mail.
d. cleaned my guinea pigs and finches cages out.

and then bam severe pain allnight long hit me pretty badly and i feel tired and just miserable in general run down kind of feeling.
no fever no vomiting, etc but the site is not getting any better. the area has been swollen since the surgery and the infection is not getting anybetter.
and the dr hasnt seen it. he talked to me on the phone. im in ny and he is a vt surgeon so he is not conserned with it at all, but it bothers me.

so anyway i will pm a photo i would hate to gross people out here with it.
and you can tell me what you think. if not better on monday i am calling them again, and if he wont look at it, then i will call my reg doctor and see if they will at least look at it and tell me if its nothing to worry about. or go to the hospital's er and have it checked out.

Wow, thats great news. Yes doctors are so not worried about how we may feel. I would keep an eye on it of course and if it gets hot and really red I would go see the doc and tell him you want to make sure it's ok. Sometimes you have to be the one watching out for yourself.
Here's a picture of my infection last spring the doc's thought was nothing really to worry about didn't even put a bandage on it. So I figure if they are not worried I won't, wrong thinking on this one. I had a total of five! This was the worst.
If I was your nurse, you wouldn't have went anywhere with it looking like that!
Wow! That is a SERIOUS infection! They told you just to go home and you'd be fine with that???
Actually what happened was I was in AZ visiting my Mom and Sister so I had to go to the urgent care I was the last patient for the night and I think they just wanted to go home. They gave me meds (antibiotic's and pain) But they didn't drain it or cover it. Oh I was bad though because I have a phobia of needles and they wanted to give me a shot and I wouldn't do it, dumb I know. But the next day I was back and took the shot but they still did not clean it out or cover it up.
They may have wanted it to be able to drain so they didn't cover it. I probably would gauze it up a little, loosely perhaps.

I'm not a doctor though, hehe.
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