Whatcha Making for Supper?

I have an Irish (I think) recipe I've been meaning to try. Everyone talking about all this St Paddy's Day food is making me guilty. And hungry :)
Wrapping up my quail hutch has thrown my schedule off the past couple days and I've been eating later lunches, so supper was something like a roll with butter and a chunk of cheddar cheese around 9 at night 😲

But tonight I'll be making lemon pasta. A lot. So I have some for lunch tomorrow, too. And roasted asparagus with EVOO and Greek seasoning.
Starting on this leek & potato soup. I just made "cinnamon" rolls and left out the cinnamon, lol. This soup has 4 ingredients. Let's see how bad I can mess this up! 🤣
Well, I did, kinda. Instead of mashing it with a fork, I hit it with ny immersion blender and got juuuust a bit carried away. It was delicious, though! So tonight I sauteed some chopped celery and onions, and boiled some diced potatoes and added all that to my totally liquefied soup from last night, giving body and texture. Now THAT was a potato soup! And I served it with some oven-baked chicken thighs, so yum.
Well, I did, kinda. Instead of mashing it with a fork, I hit it with ny immersion blender and got juuuust a bit carried away. It was delicious, though! So tonight I sauteed some chopped celery and onions, and boiled some diced potatoes and added all that to my totally liquefied soup from last night, giving body and texture. Now THAT was a potato soup! And I served it with some oven-baked chicken thighs, so yum.

Way to take one for the team :thumbsup
When I read the recipe the first thing that came to my mind was, oh boy I get to use my emulsion blender :lol:
Good recovery for Part Deux :)

So a slight deviation from my original plan.

I remembered a recipe I made not all that long ago that was pretty similar. Like a jazzed up lemon pasta. And I was wanting more than just pasta, butter and lemon. So...

And oh boy this hit the spot.


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