Whatcha Making for Supper?

Spreading a layer of dry white rice under the chicken would've soaked up a lot of the tasty broth. I'm guessing that 1/3 to 1/2 cup of rice would've been about right.

I didn't even think about including rice because I've cut most grain products out of my diet. Last night's pizza crust was a rare exception. LOL

Thanks, it sounds like it would be a tasty addition to the recipe.
Diners good morning one and all!

Tea is ready.

Supper: Probably leftovers from take out last night.

Temperature is in the 80s sunny.

Have a great day!

I was out all day yesterday getting my husband to an appointment..

Well the rooster came back and I found out he is able to fly up on the top of the run where are wor;ing to replace the roof

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