Whatcha Making for Supper?

Oh man. That stinks.
I always figured shakes were a step up from smoothies.

Anyway, good luck with it :thumbsup
I need to lose weight and I also have a fatty liver, My doctor said. So I found this stuff that should help at least a little with the fatty liver and I am using it to kickstart a diet plan. Where after I shrink my stomach and hopefully help my liver get better than I can eat like Dr. Furman teaches in his book “eat to live.” It’s mostly greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds.
I’ve done it before and I felt great and lost weight, but I did cheat of course eating duck eggs and oatmeal with banana sometimes lol if you get to goal weight, you start eating more things like nuts and sweet potatoes and fish all good healthy nutritious things
Here was my rib-eye steak from last night.

Just right


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