Whats my chicken doing??

I must express that my white silkie hen crows, every morning and through out the day, shes a lady I have 3 silkie mens and so does my red sex link bantam, Sissy even calls for mom when she needs me and of course tells me something that I dont seem to understand but I respond to her anyway and then she's ok. The boys look funnily cute when they begin to crow.
The crys sounded like she was warning somthing to stay away.
Here are some pics of her



She looks just like my Red Stars just before they started to lay, is that what she is? Any eggs from her yet? Mine still had small combs and waddles until a couple days after the first egg.

If the noise you heard was a "bok bok bok bok ba-GAWK", that's the egg song (which for my chickens seems to be more of a predator song). Or maybe you just have a crowing hen? She definitely looks like a girl to me, but I'm a newbie. Mine are pretty noisy but they don't usually do the neck stretch thing except for the occasional egg song.
I *think* Golden Comets are about the same as Red Stars - maybe different parents used for the cross, but I'm pretty sure GCs are sex-links too which would confirm she's a non-rooster

Mine started laying right around 20 weeks, but I think sex-links tend to be on the earlier side in general so 16 weeks isn't out of the question! If you try to pet her back, does she squat for you yet?
Gold stars, gold comets, red sex-links, cinnamon queens, ISA browns, and many more are all different names for the same type of sex-linked chickens.
One of my gold/red sex links began laying at 16 weeks and the other 5 were laying in the next week or two. They usually lay every day...this week they are off since we reworked the nesting boxes...hopefully they will get back to their routine tomorrow!
It seem like she now lost her voice! she can still swak but is sounds all aired out like when a person loses its voice. whats she doing now???

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