Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

reminds me of the crow in the movie Secrets of Nimh (I think) that loved "sparkly's'"
i put my diamond ring in my pocket now during "chicken time"... they are well set, but I do NOT want to search chicken poo praying that it will someday come out... with my luck, it never would, but the chicken who might eat it would probably be able to grind up all manner of crazy things...

i think my birds identify me by my braid (???) it's braided everyday after all, but for real?? you don't know me when my hair is loose? really??? you don't know my voice??? my routine movements??? they run to the furthest corner and will not accept treats from my hand! and when i come back later all braided... it's like "MOTHER!
Where have you BEEN??? Got any raisins on Ya?"

hmmm, nothing here...

...nothing here either... what gives?

Hand Em Over!
Chelation therapy is using certain drugs that help the body excrete heavy metals. Chelation therapy is not that rare in pet birds as parrots are notorious for chewing on bars of cheap bird cages, eating metal buttons, nibbling on just about anything they are not supposed to.

I kinda suspected Morse Code might have eaten something she's not supposed to as she always pecked at anything, and spent much of her time pecking at the metal waterer and the metal siding of the coop. Her first symptom was anemia-pale comb. Since I am a LVT, I performed a fecal, dewormed her, and did a radiograph as a training aid for a fellow technician who had limited experience with feathered pets.

The screw was as bright as a light bulb. A blood smear revealed abnormal nucleus of RBC's and a sample was sent off to prove our suspicion. Believe you me, a jugular stick is not fun in a chicken! I have no idea where she picked up the screw, wait, she probably pried it loose with her beak. The avian surgeon did her job, and I did mine. Morse Code did her thing and surprised us all.
Wow thats awesome. Annie and I saw the screw at the same time, it was on the ground and we both dove for it and I lost. I saw an xray of a rooster that had 4 or 5 different screws inside of it, and they were bright! There was no mistaking what they were. Not sure how that ever turned out. Im so glad your chicken came thur all of that!
So far my chickens have eaten hair ties, small baby ones b/c I use these to tell them apart around their legs. when I first put them on I dropped a few and they went right after them! I was so worried about them but they are fine. The other day it was a HUGE toad! It was funny to see one chicken running around the yard wiht a toad dangling out of her mouth. Once she got away from the others she pretty much flattened it and swallowed it whole. Pretty gross yet amazing site to see!
My 12weeks old buff orpington roo loves to sit on my shoulder and peck my ears... He also took my eyelid in his beak and kinda dragged it out. Luckily he let go when he realised it wouldnt come off
My chickens eat toads every chance they get. My Lavender Orp although she did not eat it I was holding her without a shirt on and wam she got my boob.
HAHAHA that made me laugh this morning I have a mole on one of my boobs that shows when I wear a tank top sure does hurt when they try to rip it off

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