What's with the ear? Infection


In the Brooder
Oct 12, 2021
Rawdon QC
Hello group, I'm quite sad. It's been 3 days my Brahma (2,5 y/o) has a big lump on her ear. I think it's an infection but I'm not sure what to do. I've been putting drops of oils for infections in her ear ever since, but no progress. Should I prick her wound to let the blood out?
The lump seems to be somewhere between soft and hard. 3 days ago there was an obvious wound on this lump.
I don't have any vet around, so I have to help her somehow.
She walked fine yesterday and today she seems tired, always sit on the ground.

Please help my Brahma 🤎


It can be a common place for a wound or ear infection, but it also could be a skin cancer, such as squamous cell. I would see if you can find the ear canal, and see if this is where the scab is. If not, see if there is any pus or gunk inside the ear canal with using a QTip. Then, if it is a separate scab, try to use a bit a hydrogen peroxide on the scab or a warm wet compress to soften it while holding the chicken in a towel on your lap. Then, try to open the scab and press out any pus inside. If you only get blood or it doesn’t have pus, then it could be cancer. If the ear canal is closed and infected, you can clean it with the hydrogen peroxide and QTips. Then fill the ear canal with plain Neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment. Let us know what you find.
Thanks so much!
I checked its ear and ear is clean, no pus at all. 2 days ago, when the lump was "fresh", it was yellow and showed sign of pus in it. Today it's more black than yellow. I think the pus went solid.
I want to open it tonight and see what comes out. I hope my lovely Brahma will stay still during it. :)
This lump growed quite quickly (in 2-3 days) so I'm not sure it's cancer (it would have grown slowly, right?).

Thanks so much for your help mate.
If the ear canal is clear, it isn’t otitis. Well, it would be good to get someone to help you, and wrap her in a towel while you are working on her ear. Disinfect the skin with chlorhexidene or soap and water, and lance it with a sharp knife or scalpel. Once yo u try to squeeze it out or finish, clean it again and apply plain antibiotic ointment to it. Let us know know what you find and how she gets along.

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