Ended What's Your Hobby?—Official 2024 BYC Mini-Contest

I enjoy writing, and hope to get a book published in the next few years! So, to answer the questions:

  • What is it that you love about this hobby? I love writing because I can create whatever my active imagination comes up with, and share it with the world. There's no rules, and I can just let my mind run wild.
  • When do you do the Hobby? ALL THE TIME.
  • What sacrifices do you make to be able to practice your hobby? Time, I suppose? And computer storage space. I normally use a computer or phone to write rather than paper because it's easier to edit.
  • Are you an amateur? An adept? An expert? There's always room to improve, but I've been writing since I was in second grade... I'd say I'm in between.
  • Are you lucky enough that this hobby is part of your job/income? Not yet, but hopefully I can make some money when I get a book published!

Here's a screenshot of one of my stories.
Screenshot 2024-11-30 095544.png

No stealing this story!

Thanks for reading :D

@Perris, @Eggs_Over_EZ, & @The Coop Crew

All 27 entries were entered into a spreadsheet in the order they were posted and given a number. To pick the winners, the random number generator was used.​

I enjoy Gardening with chickens. I've been gardening for decades, and doing it with chickens since 2017. I made a lot of mistakes when I started, but tried to learn from each one of them, and I make a lot fewer now. The most important lesson I learned is to work with nature, not against it.

I found this bracelet I made awhile ago. Most things I make I give away. Qwerky pieces I keep for myself like this.

@The Coop Crew
One of my all time favorite pictures I colored 🤗

@Perris, @Eggs_Over_EZ, & @The Coop Crew, I will be sending you instructions on how to claim your prizes momentarily!
thank you.png

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated, this wouldn't have been possible without all of your entries!!!! :bow:clap
Great job everyone, this was so much fun!! :wee

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