When can an adult rooster be introduced to pullets?


He came from a farm with many other roosters so his comb is damaged. I really don't know much about him but that. The breed and age are a mystery.
Well, if there are no hens for him, will he get upset?  I could put a hen in with him, as well.

If he is by himself he will get aggressive depending on breed of rooster I have a Romance and he is alone while my hen sets he tyres to attack me everyday put hens in for sure
I’ve been looking for a post like this. I have a 20 week old rooster and 3 RIR 20 week old hens. I’ve had them separated. 1 RIR laying eggs for 2 weeks, 1 still waiting. The 2 laying drop when I allow him to mingle and he is very very gentle. The one still runs so it looks aggressive because he has to chase and dominate. This leads to my question.. I have 3 16 week old BJG and 1 Blue Cochin all much bigger than the RIR and almost the size of the EE rooster. I let them mingle and the girls freaked and ran making the rooster chase Them aggressively, it was crazy. He then caught one JG and mounted her, when he got off she still laid there with her head down until I picked her up. I was worried if she was ok. She wasn’t hurt at all. Just scared. Is this part of the normal process? Is it ok to have them all together? The 20 week pullets and the 16 week have all integrated nicely. I want to add the rooster to the flock to take over. He grew up with RIR. And the other 4 have been exposed almost daily to the rooster through the protection of the run and him outside. Is It ok to let nature take its course and put them all together? Or wait a couple more weeks?
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