When do I introduce grit to chicks????


10 Years
Feb 16, 2009
I have read different times grit should be introduced to chicks. Mine are week old Buff Orps (not that it makes any difference - just sharing....).

are they going to be free range birds or in a coop where they cannot get access to small stones?...

I had my gals in the basement in a pen till they were old enough to go outside (abt 10 weeks) then they were outside free ranging i have never offered grit ...but thats cause they get they need from the ground and let me say they dont have any problems eating they are lil piggies
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I am raising my first chicks from McMurray right now and they sell an "Organic Chick Starter Kit" which comes with "chick grit" and they tell you to start sprinkling it over the top of their food once daily starting at three days old. I have been doing this and my babies are doing just fine.

It is supposed to stimulate gizzard development, but make sure to use special "chick grit" or "baby grit," which is ground up smaller than grown-up grit. They definitely need it if you feed them treats other than chick starter/crumbles.
I feed Parakeet grit (very small like sand) to my 5-week old chicks because I like to give them treats like crickets and mealworms. They also go outside to their coop and run for a few hours each day when it's warm enough and they like to eat the grass and weeds, so they definitely need the grit.

If they're inside and you don't give them anything but chick starter, then they don't need grit. When you add treats then you need to add grit.
If chicks are eating the commercial chick starter they do not need grit. I read it in Storeys guide years ago so I never offered it and have been growing them for years successfully. Once they go outside they will pick it up naturally, Save your money.

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