When do white feathers in young black birds typically disappear? Mine is 8 months and still has hers


Jan 27, 2022
I've noticed black birds tend to have some white feathers in their wings or anywhere else when they're young. Sometimes my silkies hatch with pink tips on their toes as well, but I don't know if that's related to the white feathers. Either way, they usually grow out of it within a couple of weeks to months and become all black.

All my black silkies have grown out of any random white feathers except one. She's 8 months old now and has had a single white feather in her crest since she was 3 months old. It started out as a tiny little white speck that was barely noticeable in her fluff, but it has since grown into a larger feather. My cockerel also got some white feathers in his beard at around the same age, but he lost his by the time he was 4-5 months old.

Honestly I've really gotten attached to that adorable look she has when she runs up to me with that single white feather in her crest. It's adorable. But I am wondering, will she lose it eventually or will it always keep growing back if it's stuck around this long already? (If she won't lose it I assume it would be a fault in her color, yes?)
I can post pictures of her if needed.
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to the Silkies. But I'm trying to learn about the SOP for Black Copper Marans where white is a fault also and the white feathers are normal for young birds and should shed out by 1st molt and any white feathers or underfluff that is present by 18 months of age would be a concern/fault.

With that if my BCM loses the white feathers like normal and there's no white underfluff present, a white feather that randomly appears after adult molt (18 mos- 2 yrs) could be stress related and not a cause for concern/fault.

I hope I worded that correctly and this helps.
I've noticed black birds tend to have some white feathers in their wings or anywhere else when they're young. Sometimes my silkies hatch with pink tips on their toes as well, but I don't know if that's related to the white feathers. Either way, they usually grow out of it within a couple of weeks to months and become all black.

All my black silkies have grown out of any random white feathers except one. She's 8 months old now and has had a single white feather in her crest since she was 3 months old. It started out as a tiny little white speck that was barely noticeable in her fluff, but it has since grown into a larger feather. My cockerel also got some white feathers in his beard at around the same age, but he lost his by the time he was 4-5 months old.

Honestly I've really gotten attached to that adorable look she has when she runs up to me with that single white feather in her crest. It's adorable. But I am wondering, will she lose it eventually or will it always keep growing back if it's stuck around this long already? (If she won't lose it I assume it would be a fault in her color, yes?)
I can post pictures of her if needed.
Pictures are always helpful.

White can molt out as late as 4-5 months from what I've seen, but most usually molt out the white within 3ish months.

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