When do you cull your seasons hatch?

Oct 2, 2021
This is probably the wrong section, apologies in advance if it is!
Are there any showies out there?
We have light sussex some of last seasons hatch are already showing u backs instead of straight ones...could these girls go already or would you keep until they mature? My thought is if they already have a u back it isn't going to improve? They are roughly 12 weeks old
Wyandottes is there anything you can cull (as in remote not kill) for in 3month olds? The current feedbill is atrocious and with show season around the corner I really want to weed out some of my sons 15 splash laced red pullets... I don't even know if he'll be able to enter the splash in the local Ag shows... but he'll need to keep the best to breed from 😑 is anyone else drowning in juvenile chickens 😝 my other son has just gotten into cream legbars... really Not looking forward to next breeding season!!!
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Certainly you can start culling now. Reference the breed standard for traits such as eye and leg color. I can't say about how Sussex develop, but I do go ahead and mark my Jersey Giants as culls if their back isn't flat and straight by 3 months old. Do make sure the bird is relaxed. Some of mine will hold their tail too high if they are very alert or nervous about something.
I feel ya.
For the last two years we've been constantly hatching for the sake of my projects (not showing). Culling decisions are hard. Made worse by the fact that some can look one way while they're growing and finish a lot different. It should be a bit easier within an established breed as the variety of growth patterns will be more limited and you get used to assessing them. The first year with a given breed or mix is the hardest.

"Is that one bigger because of a fast growth gene or legitimate finishing size?"
"Could that one be runty because of a docile personality so it's not pushing for food, or is it genetic?"

It seems like every trait has its own age where you can be sure. Often the first generation or two I've found myself keeping them all until maturity just to be sure. Twice, I've ended up picking a rooster I would have culled earlier, which hasn't done much for my selection confidence.
This is probably the wrong section, apologies in advance if it is!
Are there any showies out there?
We have light sussex some of last seasons hatch are already showing u backs instead of straight ones...could these girls go already or would you keep until they mature? My thought is if they already have a u back it isn't going to improve? They are roughly 12 weeks old
Wyandottes is there anything you can cull for in 3month olds? The current feedbill is atrocious and with show season around the corner I really want to weed out some of my sons 15 splash laced red pullets... I don't even know if he'll be able to enter the splash in the local Ag shows... but he'll need to keep the best to breed from 😑 is anyone else drowning in juvenile chickens 😝 my other son has just gotten into cream legbars... really Not looking forward to next breeding season!!!
Don't cull them!!!! I'm sure someone out there would LOVE to take your Wyandotte and Light Sussex pullets!

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