When is a Blood Ring not a Blood Ring?


6 Years
Apr 29, 2013
Sanford, NC

I have 18 (well now 15) Black / Blue Ameraucana hatching eggs I ordered on eBay.
This is their 5th full day.
I was candling them and trying to weed out the dead ones and chose three that very obviously had blood rings and one had a blood spot with no development.
I cracked all three in eggtopsy manner and on the last one (pictured) I decided to take a picture of it and while the camera was focusing, I noticed the middle dot twitching! But how can the heart be beating if there is a blood ring? (It is still twitching 5 minutes later).
Is this what I'm seeing? I'd feel kinda bad if I just killed an embryo, even if it was way behind on development from the rest. But at the same time, if these blood rings don't always mean death, I need to know so I don't throw more out! Haha.
To qualify as a dead blood ring does it have to encompass the entire yolk?
Will you not see the heart/embryo anymore because of the blood moving away from it?
Also, I am new to incubating, but in my previous hatches I've never had a blood ring, so I guess I wasn't completely sure what I was looking for though I thought this was it when I saw it. (My previous hatches were white bantam eggs that were easy to tell what was going on and I never saw rings like this).
dont throw any out until day 7 until you get more experienced at noticing them. thats what i did. The egg you pictured looks dead. At day 5 much more development should be seen (a lot more veins). Blood rings look more like blood streaks. Not veining but like someone smeared blood in a line or a ring.
Yeah, it threw me off that there was an actual ring.
Since these are shipped hatching eggs, some are developing late, which would explain why it had day 2-3 development on the 5th day.
I don't understand why it would look dead (as you said tec27) but yet the heart continued beating for 15 minutes after I cracked it.

Yes, what's done is done and I've learned my lesson not to jump the gun when I think I see a blood ring. :)
This is my first time and I waited till day 14 to throw 1 out. it had a pen hole in it , was brown and I couldn't see any thing in there. W hen I cracked it open there was a correctly developed live chick for it's time. So now I'm scared to do it again.
I have one that all I see in there is what looks like a dollap of flan to me. But the air sac is the same as the rest so I am waiting it out. 7 days left now.
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Aww, I probably would've cried if my egg had been that far along. :(
I would be all for keeping all of the questionable eggs in until lockdown except I do need to save any extra room I have for my new eggs coming in the mail and I don't want to risk an egg exploding in there, even though it has never happened to me before.
I'll probably just get my secondary incubator out regardless, though.
Wish I had a Brinsea Octagon 20. :)

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