When it rains do your chickens go into their coops?


5 Years
Jul 31, 2018
Bristol UK
My Coop
My Coop
It's pissing down here at the moment. I've just done my rounds and as usual the chickens are trying to take shelter from the rain. I've got a hen in my house; caught out going to lay an egg. There are a few under one of the cars. A few more under the hay rack in the sheep field. Most of the Bantams are under their coop looking miserable. Donk, a strange little hen is trying to shelter under a large leaf.
All the coops are open, but not one has a chicken in it!
Where do your chickens go when it rains?
It would be helpful should you post to mention whether your chickens are free range or in a run and if their coops are accessible during the day.
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mine free range and hang out in one or other of several covered areas when it rains. They are particularly fond of the front porch and seem to like standing/sitting on coir doormats. Mine do not resort to the coop when it rains (although one of them does like to nap in a nest box sometimes so it does get used in daytime now and then).
I have two runs, and one coop with two pop doors open all day.
Most go inside or under coop when it's raining.
Some like to be out in it if not raining too hard, hawking at bugs.
They seem to get kinda 'stupid' about dashing into coop when it's raining hard and just huddle in the small spaces under coop.
Have had them standing in almost human ankle deep runoff under the coop before I fixed the drainage. That image is burned into my brain.
I remember the first time they spent any time out in the rain, they all looked like 'drowned rats' on the roost that night, but I stuck my hand under their feathers and they were dry at the skin-pretty amazing.
Mine free range sometimes when I am home. They head for the nearest cover when it rains hard-- trees, shrubs, under the eaves of my house, the pole building, the well house, wherever. Light drizzle doesn't phase them-- if it did, they'd be trapped in the coop 8 months out of the year in my climate. They've learned to adapt even though they're about as fond of wet weather as cats.

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