When to give grit to my 8 plus week old chickens

Now. I start providing it as early as Day three, and they help themselves. A few days later I introduce dried mealworms, snd later, other scraps, just to get them used to different tastes and textures. Others wait till they are a week old or so. They should have it before they get anything other than their starter food. At eight weeks they're probably outside foraging, aren't they? So they should definitely be getting grit to help them digest bugs, grass, etc. However, if they are outside, they may be getting natural grit from the ground. It still wouldn't hurt to provide some, just to be sure.
I am new to raising chickens and just curious when to give it to them.
How old are they? They need grit to digest certain foods, so if you start feeding them treats like corn or blueberries or whatever, or if they are on grass where they can potentially eat something other than chicken starter feed, then they will need grit. Also, when they are older, they will eat either layer feed or all flock. If you choose all flock, you will need oyster shell flakes or a similar calcium source so the hens can make good eggs.

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