When to let new and old mix?


6 Years
May 5, 2018
I lost a chicken and was left with one 6 year old Silver Laced Wyandotte. A friend gave me a 2 or 3 year Wyandotte who looks just like the one I lost. I've divided the coop and they each have their own run. They see each other through the wire. My chicken was extremely excited to see the new one; the new one came from a flock of 150 and is pretty cool about the whole thing. The question is, how to I know when it's safe to let them mix into one coop and one run? I"m not seeing any signs of aggression (which is odd from my cranky 6 year old, who is dominant all the time) but She has been pretty violet to a newcomer when she was part of a flock of 3. But she's been pretty lonely this past week. What are the signs that it's safe to remove the dividers? Thanks!
It is never "safe" to put them together. They are both mature hens, they will determine which one is the dominant one. That may involve serious fighting, it may be so peaceful you don't even notice it happening. You will not know how it turns out until you try.

I don't know how long you have had them side by side. Personally I'd put them together when I could observe and see what happens. Give them as much room as you can.

I would expect some pecking and maybe some skirmishing. If one holds the other down and starts pecking the head I'd break them up immediately. Otherwise, as long as one does not get injured, I'd leave them alone to work it out. Anytime there is violence there is a risk but usually they work it out.

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