I lost a chicken and was left with one 6 year old Silver Laced Wyandotte. A friend gave me a 2 or 3 year Wyandotte who looks just like the one I lost. I've divided the coop and they each have their own run. They see each other through the wire. My chicken was extremely excited to see the new one; the new one came from a flock of 150 and is pretty cool about the whole thing. The question is, how to I know when it's safe to let them mix into one coop and one run? I"m not seeing any signs of aggression (which is odd from my cranky 6 year old, who is dominant all the time) but She has been pretty violet to a newcomer when she was part of a flock of 3. But she's been pretty lonely this past week. What are the signs that it's safe to remove the dividers? Thanks!