Where can i purchase a single ISA pullet?

Robert Kazlauski

Nov 9, 2023
My count ordinance only allows me to have 5 chickens. I have 4 of different breeds. I would absolutely love to get a SINGLE ISA pullet, or day old or young chick. Most HATCHERIES have a larger minimum order. Anyone know where I can get just one? I live in Maryland.
My count ordinance only allows me to have 5 chickens. I have 4 of different breeds. I would absolutely love to get a SINGLE ISA pullet, or day old or young chick. Most HATCHERIES have a larger minimum order. Anyone know where I can get just one? I live in Maryland.
Go to a local farm, and just ask if they will sell you a chicken. They might not have a breed you want, but it almost always works. Or the state fair. I recommend looking at Craigslist too. That's where I got my girls.
Thanks. I looked in the Maryland thread but no one had one. I couldnt find a farm that had ISA Browns. I wll look at Craigs list, but dont completely trust it.

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