Which breed(s) would make a good pet for my niece?

There are quite a few good suggestions here, thank you! I forgot about silkies, frizzles, and crested birds; I don’t want to deal with those birds either because of how cold it gets. I know some people can have them in even colder weather, but my niece becomes really attached to her animals, and her coop won’t have electricity for a heater.

I had orpingtons recently, and they’re nice birds, though always broody! It took three months once time to break a broody. I don’t think that will be too much of an issue for her, as she’ll just make the broody sit in her lap. I’m familiar with several of the other breeds mentioned (I have australorps now), but will have to research a few (yay! I love chicken research!)

@HollowOfWisps My niece saw a picture of a brahma hen and became interested in the breed; do you think their very feathered legs would be a problem? I’d read years ago that they tend to keep mud and snow in them, causing infection issues and also being prone to mites.

And don’t worry, everyone, both my niece and I are well aware that each bird will have its own personality and level of friendliness. I want her to have a good start, thus asking about breeds that tend to start off friendlier.
Easter eggers (ameraucana based ones)! Their puffy beard and small comb are great for colder winters. All EEs I’ve been around are super docile and friendly. They have a lot of different colors and patterns they can turn out to be as well. Fun egg colors are a bonus!

Like nuthatched said, temperament depends on the individual so it is always a hit or miss. One size does not fit all.

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