Which breed(s) would make a good pet for my niece?

Easter eggers (ameraucana based ones)! Their puffy beard and small comb are great for colder winters. All EEs I’ve been around are super docile and friendly. They have a lot of different colors and patterns they can turn out to be as well. Fun egg colors are a bonus!

Like nuthatched said, temperament depends on the individual so it is always a hit or miss. One size does not fit all.
Do Ameraucana based EE have tails? I have a neighbor who breeds aracauna, and my niece said she wants her chickens to have tails.

Also, how can I tell which ones are Ameraucana based? We live near Cackle Hatchery and could get them there; do they sell the right ones?
My Orpington was friendly, but perpetually broody. There's no way she would sit on a lap while broody; she'd run right back to her nestbox.
That’s good to know, thank you. I’m going to say no to orpingtons; I got SO frustrated by their broodiness, and I know my niece will too if it keeps the hens from hanging out with her.
Do Ameraucana based EE have tails? I have a neighbor who breeds aracauna, and my niece said she wants her chickens to have tails.

Also, how can I tell which ones are Ameraucana based? We live near Cackle Hatchery and could get them there; do they sell the right ones?
Ameraucanas have tails, as do the EEs from them. You can tell they are that as they have a beard, and no crest, as cream legbar based EEs have a crest.
If she’s wanting them as pets I would look at some bantams.Meyer hatchery now sells sexed bantams and has a whole selection of clean-legs:https://meyerhatchery.com/products/assorted-clean-legged-bantam-day-old-chicks My bantam hen (a Mille Fleur D’uccle) is very sweet and affectionate.Some standard breeds come in bantam size.She would also be able to keep more of them since they’re smaller.

Edit:looking back at your posts in see you decided EE’s.They do come in bantam size.I have only ever had them in standard size but I love them.
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Just wanted to say that I used to be absolutely against birds with feathered feet for the reasons OP said. However I ended up with a surprise faverolles mix and she made me change my mind. She's not filthier than everyone else and she's the best and most friendly bird in the flock.
I think some of the best pet chickens are cochin, faverolles and silkies.
Temperament and friendliness is up to the individual bird.
Breed does play a decent bit into temperament no matter what, but I do agree that it’s significantly individual too.

My four suggests;

My EEs have always been quite sweet, talkative and friendly, but they have all hated being touched and shied away from my hand more than most of my other birds.

My Orpingtons are both really friendly birds- one of them enjoys being petted quite a bit, spending time in my lap or laying against me. The other not so much, but that’s mostly just because of how she was raised. Both of them have gone really broody, though.

My Splash Marans really enjoys lap time too, but has recently been shying away from touch (I think this is because of her pecking order status and the fact that she’s been having her feathers pulled) lately.

My Speckled Sussex is the friendliest by far, though she doesn’t like to be petted or sit in my lap at all, she’s very sweet and really loves people. Never shys from touch despite not really enjoying it much, and honestly she’s a tripping hazard sometimes because of how comfortable she is under my feet lol.

But you’re never going to get a friendly bird unless you actually spend time with your chicks from day one. THAT is the most importantly part and the biggest “friendly-factor” of all.
Thank you so much for the suggestions and help, everyone! I went over the suggested breeds with my niece, and she’s decided on the Easter Egger. Now that we have a plan, I can start planning out the coop. You guys have been very helpful, and we’re grateful!
Excellent choice, you can't go wrong with easter eggers! I'm sure she'll love them! :D
Hello everyone!

Hopefully sometime next year I will be able to get my niece a few of her own chickens. She absolutely loves mine, and wants some to be strictly pets. The trouble is she loves all chickens, and cannot make up her mind. She asked me to post on here for ideas.

Here are my rules on what she may get (we share the property with her mom):

1: No bantam roosters; their crows make me want to scream.
2: No heavily feathered legs. We get snow, ice, and lots of mud here, and I don’t want to chance the chicken getting sick and dying on her.
3: It must be a friendly (not flighty) breed, so that she can raise the chicks and actually have friendly pets.

Other than that, I’m very open. I have standard breed birds that free range, but that shouldn’t be an issue since she wants me to build a nice enclosed run for her birds so they don’t get killed.

Thank you!
Salmon Favorells are a heritage bird and beautiful. Compact body with 5 toes, muffy cheeks, cold hardy, love attention and a bunch of clowns. Funny to watch and love being lap chicks. Came about in France town of Favorlles about 1860. You really need to google these chicks she would enjoy them. They do have feathered feet but if enclosed they will be fine. They lay medium pinkish eggs all winter long. I have 6 females and one male now 6 months old and enjoy them so much. Good luck with your search but take a peek at them on line.

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