Which puppy pads are safest??

Apr 14, 2024
Hampton Roads, Virginia
Which puppy pads are safest? They all seem to have scents or carbon.. is that safe for chicks? 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️
Our daughter recently came home from college after an extended illness. Now that she lives with us, she's needing something to focus on while she's recovering, and apparently, zombie chickens are it! She's been helping me with my small flock, and is fascinated (being a goth at heart) with the zombie hybrids. I looked it up, and found that they are supposed to lay lots of sizeable cream eggs, which I'm fine with, and we've got room in our coop/run for a few more. We've got a 48" x48" playpen for a brooder that she can get into (with something clean to sit on) and play with them (she's tiny). I've been looking for a puppy pee pads to put at the bottom of the playpen for the first couple days, then we'll add some pine shavings on top (changing them out as needed, of course).
I'm just not sure what's safe, disposable puppy pads-wise. Everything has scents or something extra added to it.
Thank you!
Depends would be cheaper.
Not sure if they are treated with anything, but they don't seem like it.
And no, I don't wear them... yet ;)
I know people that use them for their Yorkies so they don't have to go outside in the winter.

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