Which would you use?

A Renee

Jul 17, 2022
Hi everyone,
I have a welsh harlequin that has had walking problems since birth. She just seems to walk stiff legged, if that makes sense. No bending, just straight, stiff stomps. A couple weeks ago she started limping and pretty heavily. She had to use her wings to stand and even then she would plop right back down. I put her in my hospital wing and gave her vitamins, extra niacin and she seemed to relatively quickly improve. My question now however is, every couple of days she limps. She will look great, do her dinosaur stomp walks, and then out of nowhere start limping. I continue to isolate her, and have been giving her b complex. I also have polyvisol which I gave to her during her last limping episode. What is your opinion, the b complex or the polyvisol? I just wonder which could be more helpful to her.


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do you no what causes the issue? joint tendon muscle etc
That depending a prosthetic or exoskeleton device might be in order
I've never heard of polyvisol, so I can't comment on that. The vitamin B complex is super for a deficiency. Was she fed a diet that had ample niacin since she was a baby? You've checked the bottom of her feet for bumblefoot sores?
I've never heard of polyvisol, so I can't comment on that. The vitamin B complex is super for a deficiency. Was she fed a diet that had ample niacin since she was a baby? You've checked the bottom of her feet for bumblefoot sores?
Yes I sure have.. her feet are perfect. I don’t understand why she randomly starts limping then stops. But, she’s walked stiffly since birth.
I vote for Liquid B Complex over poly vi sol
Can you get a video of her walking so we can get an idea of what she is doing? you'll have to load it on youtube or Vimeo or another type of platform first the copy /paste it here
Thank you very much for your responses! Here is a video of her, she has the dark bill. See how she stiffly stomps when she walks? She’s very very slow walking, not like my other welsh. This is a regular day, and then she will have intermittent limping days.
Are you giving them Liquid B complex? 1 ml daily?
If it's weak legs then the liquid b complex should help. Niacin deficiency can show up with many symptoms. She doesn't look like pigeon toes or her legs don't look bowed which are 2 symptoms but weakness and lameness can also show up.
here is a good article on niacin deficiency.
Beautiful ducks.

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