Whinne went to the vet. Water belly?


Oct 23, 2020
Central Kentucky
I took my 18 month old SLW to the vet yesterday for suspected water belly. She had a mass the size of a baseball that was red and squishy. The vet said the reason could be one of four things, none of them good or fixable. Whinnie is not used to being physically handled a lot so she got very stressed to the point of gasping for air and turning purple!
When the vet saw her gasping for air she suggested euthanasia. I told her that was not normal and she was just scared (as I was fanning her and blowing in her face) (Whinnie, not the vet)
Whinnie did calm down and came back to normal color. Much to my relief. The vet then took a needle and drew out some fluid from the mass. It was not good. It was thick yellowish stuff. Not watery stuff. They took her to the back for an x-ray to see if they could see anything. So again we were at the cross roads of what to do. She obviously has an infection so the options are, euthanasia or try and drain it and give her antibiotics and see what happens. We decided we wanted to give her a chance and go for the draining and drugs.
They took her to the back, to start the procedure. It took 40 mins to draw out 300 cc of gunk! Whinnie was doing so good. Standing there nice and still just looking around while the Tech drew the fluid. I was watching through the window and the vet said I could go back if I wanted. I did. Whinnie was perched on a brace they use to get xrays. I went in and petted her chest. She said Boop Boop and hopped up on my arm like a parrot. They were mostly finished with the procedure by then so I slowly carried her out balanced on my arm back to the room where her carrier was. The people at the front desk commented on how beautiful she was. The vet said they could board her while we go on vacation. I said um no because I will come back and she will be very spoiled and the official office chicken and they would not give her back.

We took her home and put her in the yard with the other girls and tried to figure out how we were going to give her the medicine. We yet to get a good plan but we will figure it out. Wish us luck.
Thick yellow fluid is likely EYP, could be infection.
You can drain her yourself if you wish, there's videos on youtube showing you how.

It's not uncommon for a hen that has fluid in the abdomen to go into respiratory distress when handled. So I'm not surprised she was turning purple at the vet's office. Look up the position of their air sacs, especially in the abdominal region.

Draining can be helpful and used as a supportive care measure. It's not a cure, but hopefully this will make her comfortable for a period of time.

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