White Heritage Breed Cornish Chicken Breeding Pairs - $100


Mar 23, 2025

Specialty, All Natural, not cornish-cross, Heritage Breed White Cornish Meat chickens, and a few Buff Orphington Laying hens:

We have several Breeding Pairs left (1 Rooster and 1 Laying hen)

> Heritage White Cornish - Breeding Pair $100
> Heritage White Cornish mixed with California Brown - Breeding Pair $100
> Heritage White Cornish mixed with White Rock - Breeding Pair $100
> 5 months old
> already laying

> Buff Orphington Hens - 4 for $100

> 5 months old
> already laying

They are accustomed to our Labrador retriever dogs.

All Natural, not cornish-cross, These are Heritage White Cornish Chickens that came from England 108 years ago. We bred them as Standard Breed or Heritage Breed, White Natural Cornish, and some California browns and white rocks were mixed in another flock for a slightly faster growth rate.
They will finish out at about 12 weeks.
The White Cornish take about 14 weeks.
We have fertile eggs, $7/each.

We are in Ava, Mo. about 1 mile from town.
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