These two paints are from eggs from a show-quality breeder about an hour away. She's where I got my very first chicks from, too, but lately, I just get eggs from her.The paint that you will breed to white - is it a dominant white?? If recessive you might find yourself in the same position that I am in. I think my paint mama might have one recessive white gene. Which is throwing off what I expect from breeding her!
If you breed paint to dominant white you will get 1/2 paint and 1/2 dominant white chicks.
But if you breed paint (if the paint bird doesn’t carry recessive white) to recessive white, you should get 1/2 paint chicks but the spots may not be black, and 1/2 not paint, but showing whatever is hiding under the recessive white (partridge, blue, or black etc) and all chicks will carry one recessive white gene. It would be a step backwards for sure in a paint breeding program.
I think my paint hen might be the one carrying recessive white. If you had a paint carrying recessive white and bred to a recessive white thinking that it was dominant white, half of the chicks would be white, but they would be recessive white. And it would be very hard to get back to paints.
I can’t do paint to paint yet, as I just gave away a paint cockerel (but he was a cross, not pure silkie.) but I am hoping to get a nice paint cockerel in the future. And some nice paint pullets to replace my older paint girl, the one who might carry the recessive white![]()
I have no idea whether recessive or what, so thus I have to just breed them to see what they make. Then, the white pen I was going to try, by all accounts, those whites should be dominant, but those would need to be tested too.
Thus why I said this bites that the best I can do this year is to get 50% paints. I'll be keeping a couple of whites hoping one turns out a rooster as I'm pretty sure these two are both pullets. They're 4 months old so I better be!
If for some reason I wind up with no dominant white here, so be it. I'll just deal with it.