- Mar 3, 2025
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I bought this chick (“Nugget”) from Rural King. I was told she was a Buff Orpington. But as she grew she looked nothing like one. Then when her and my other new hens started laying the mystery deepened. I got her at the same time as my Ameraucana who lays green eggs. She is my only chicken who lays green eggs. But I was getting 2 greenish eggs a day and I just thought my Ameraucana was a super layer. Until the second egg starting looking more blue and I began questioning if it was another hen laying it. So I started looking at what Nugget may actually be…. I’m thinking Whiting True Blue. Thoughts?
Attached: Nugget as a chick, Nugget full grown, and the egg I believe she is laying.
Attached: Nugget as a chick, Nugget full grown, and the egg I believe she is laying.