Who and What am I ? I Added Photo of the Parents..Please look again

I don't see any spaldings. But to get B/S chicks someone needs to be or split too B/S, also to get cameo chicks from the blue male he will need to be split to cameo.

The opal hen has yellow on the sides of her face, so I think she is the spalding. Might the hen on the left in the second picture be a BS pied or silver pied? She has the dark patch on the back off her neck that Black Shoulder hens do.
yep you have an IB male, cameo hen, black shoulder something hen (looks cameo) and an opal hen.
The opal has no other signs of being spalding other than that little bit of yellow, which can come from nothing more than their diet.

So yes, your babies came from any or all these then right?

So your IB chick, is IB split to one of them

the BS came from the BS hen more than likely

and the cameos are obviously from the cameo hen

At least one would think. Your parents, well the male for sure is split to some stuff inorder to get these. But without knowing whos split to what, it's hard to say 100%
If the IB male is split to Cameo, and the Cameo chick is a female, it could have come from any of the hens...not just the Cameo.


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