Who has chicks shipping from MPC today or from anywhere

Keep up posted when you chicks arrive!!
I made two orders today for an April 5th ship date:

Meyers Hatchery:
2 White Silkie St. Run
2 Black Silkie St. Run
4 Black Frizzle Cochin Bantam St. Run
12 Male Buff Orpington (11 for the freezer)
3 Female Buff Orpington
2 Ameraucana St. Run Standard size

Ideal Poultry:

4 Red Frizzle Cochin Bantam St. Run
4 White Frizzle Cochin Bantam St. Run
4 Milli Fluer D'Uccle Bantam St. Run
4 Buff Silkie St. Run
2 Blue Silkie St. Run

Grand total of 43, Yay! 2 white, 2 red, and 2 black frizzle cochins are for a friend. I can't wait to see them all when they get here. As soon as the weather cooperates, we can get the coop done.
hi there! i'm a newbie to this whole backyard chicken thing but VERY excited about it. we are in the seattle, wa area. anyone else from around here? we ordered 3 chicks from MPC, to be shipped the week of March 15: 1 buff orpington, 1 barred rock, and 1 australorp. keeping my fingers crossed that they all arrive alive and well.
and to having your own backyard flock! This forum is VERY helpful, if you ever need anything. BYC taught us all we know and I am still learning A LOT everyday!!! Post pictures when you can, I look forward to seeing them!
I can't believe this is the first chance I've had to post the wonderful news! After fretting about safe delivery of my order of 24 pullets 1 cockerel from Welp (shipped from New Mexico) They were here this morning, my husband was enroute to the post office @ 5:45 am and the PO called @ 5:50 am. He was back in the door with my package at 6:11.
Every single baby was perfect except we got 28 total, not 25. Only one with a green spot on the head (wanted the cockerel marked) so don't know yet what the extras are.

DH had to play broody hen all day as I was at work..he did a great job and everyone is still wonderful. I took pictures when they first went in the brooder, but no time to do anything with them yet. Hope tomorrow is a calmer day at work, so I can post pics. Order a mix of standard size: jersey giant, cochins, silverlaced wyandotte, ameracana, delawares, brahmas, buff orps speck sussex. They are so great!!
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They are a week and one day old today! I had one loss yesterday, I'm pretty upset about it...cause I feel like i've done everything possible to keep them healthy. It was one of the silver laced wyandottes. I've been raising chickens for three years and this is my first loss. I've had problems keep thing temprature steady, do you think it could have been that?

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