Whole nest gone?


Mar 15, 2025
Hello all! I had a broody chicken who was sitting on a bounty of 14 eggs! She has been sitting on them for about a week. I came home today to find her nest completely empty and my hen was distressed. My flock has free roam of the yard, and she was off by herself when I found her nest empty. I'm trying to figure out what could have happened here! I live on Florida's space coast and we do have snakes, but I don't think there's a monster big enough to down 14 eggs in a single sitting around. Any ideas or input as to what could have happened to her whole nest?

**edited to add**

There were no shells left behind either!
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I don't know of all of the different varments you have in Florida compared to up here in Wisconsin, but if that had happened here, I'd guess a rat, but also an opossum or raccoon would be next on my list.

1/2" hardware cloth can keep rats out, but if your setup is like ours, the coop is left open should the free-rangers want to go lay an egg. Thus, the varment has a way in and takes her eggs.

I would get a camera, like a deer cam or other outdoor camera to try find out what animal you're dealing with. Then you can get a trap for whichever it is.

I'd also get some solar motion lights for around the coop area. That will keep any nighttime lurkers back.

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