Constantly Talkin Bout Chickens
I agree to your statement. Someone I know in NH once used a heat lamp in her coop when it was below freezing and her coop burned down There are safe alternatives.My mom came out this last weekend to see the chicken coop I built.
I told my wife, watch, the first thing she asks about will be heat.
And sure enough, it was "But won't they get cold?!"
I explain that no, chickens don't need heat, its more important they have good ventilation and a dry coop.
Then of course its "But my friends have chickens and they keep a heat lamp in their coop all winter!"
ok? So? Your friends clearly haven't actually done any research and are wasting money and will have dead chickens if they have cold weather and a power outage and chickens that aren't acclimated to the cold.
It just seems like the first thing every single person asks me when they find out I have chickens, is about heating the coop. Then when I explain they don't need it, they immediately argue with me like I don't know what I'm talking about.
I don't get it.
#1 is a giant heat plate heater that your chickens can stand in front of. Still, they might die because they go in shock when they go outside where it is below freezing or however that works.
Here's one from Chickcozy:
#2: insulate your coop more- use more bedding, add more fiberglass in between the walls. Maybe use an automatic chicken door to not let cold air in at night. Or you can close the door manually at night.
#3: do research on other alternatives