Why have chickens?

Got my first coop and 3 chicks....I am smitten. I was never much of a dog and cat lover but realize it's the farm animal that I love. These 3 little chicks have stolen my heart; my granddaughters, also.
All the pros listed above!

Only con, for me, is finding good care for them when we go out of town. Can't board them like a dog. Pet sitters typically don't know their way around chickens (but can be trained $$). Other chicken people may pose a bio-contamination risk.
I have a pre vet student that absolutely loves the experience of keeping 11 chickens, 1 rabbit and 2 pit bulls! Maybe have a look at your local vet school and put up notices.. We went to New Zealand (my husband is from there) for 3 weeks and I was a wreck... but she did a great job! Def check out young students in your area!
Pro's: They are the best busy bodies I know and far more fun to be around!

How could anyone not love seeing 6 feathered weeble woobles running to you at the sound of your voice?

Cons: I don't like that my dogs see them as lunch
PROS: All of the above, leaping chickens are funny, they love to play.

CONS: Your non-chicken owning friends come to refer to you as "the crazy chicken lady" because you talk about chickens like they're your kids and you even whip out your (digital) photo album to show them off.

So true...my friends say Im crazy about my chickens....you should check out my facebook page search ermish ranch
I have always wanted chickens, and finally got them this past spring. If I had known just how much I would enjoy them, I would have gotten them sooner! I absolutely love everything about them. I don't mind the cleanup, after all I've taken care of 4 children and 5 grandchildren. 12 chickens aren't that bad! I love watching them, talking to them, listening to them. Nothing on TV beats watching my silly chickens.
The only con in my book is I hate things killing my chickens! I haven't lost many and I would rather love and lose than never love at all, I guess. They enrich my life so much. They are so soothing to be around and nothing makes me happier than when one of mine chooses to come sit in my lap and demand attention.
I have 6 RIR pullets and 4 Langshans, one cockerel and three pullets, all about 21 weeks old. No eggs yet, but when they do I know I'm going to be one proud crazy chicken lady!
They are better than PROZAC! Have a bad day or feel in the "dumps", just come home, spend time watching them, visiting them, and the world is so much more FUN!
Really, this is so true - they are just so funny to watch. They have their own social pecking order and dare one of them try to cross it - all hell breaks lose. They are entertaining to say the least. (and you get healthy free range eggs into the bargain!)
Pro's: They go to bed when the sun goes down, eat their food with enthusiasm & sleep all night. Mine also come when called, unlike my cats. Enough fresh eggs that we never have to buy any from five hens.
Cons: Heaps of dust & lots of holes in my garden beds which have been emptied of anything vaguely edible.
At first I was apprehensive about getting chickens. I live in the suburbs and I do not have alot of back yard space. We decided to get 6 hens and they are so much fun! Alot of people ask me how i can tell them apart and I say that i raised them so I know their colorings and personalities. There are so many pro's! Eggs and entertainment are the biggest ones. Cleaning the coop is notmy favorite chore but I love when they come into a clean coop and check out my work! I could not imagine not having my girls.

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