Why is all the feed so old in stores?


8 Years
May 30, 2016
I have been having a heck of a time trying to find reasonably fresh feed lately - well this last year or so.
Our closest feed store gets Modesto Milling bags from the distributor now that were bagged in October and November of last year. Other stores aren’t any better… freshest feed I could find was from 12/23 - Scratch and Peck. Saw bags from August 23, April, and even from 2022! What the heck!?! I am ready to switch brands - will check if the Barale at feed store in the neighboring town is fresher… they are quite busy there. Also will check out Hunt and Behrens who are located in that same town - buying directly from the source should be fresh, right?
I don’t understand why everyone seems to think it’s fine to sell old feed. Vitamins go at 10% per month - that feed gets deficient real fast. Manufacturers seem to think it’s all fine to feed as long as it’s not moldy… They like to say: 6 months when stored properly (cool, dry). Well here the stores certainly don’t keep the feed in climate controlled storage. In the winter humidity is high from all the rain, in the summer things are getting cooked…
Anyone able to buy fresh feed and how?
hi hun, im in France so can’t help you with suppliers although if it was posted to you from here it would probably be fresher when you get it than you can buy from your local suppliers 😂
It is dreadful, are they allowed to sell something so far out of date ? As you say it will be stale with a possibility of mould ! How many hens have you got ? Is making it yourself a possibility ?
Good luck and sorry I can’t help,
Might I also suggest making your own, with whole grains (which are nature's way of storing nutrients and typically have a shelf life of at least a year)?

Here's how https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...eat-tears-a-calculator-or-deep-pockets.78655/
I have fed a whole grain mash before and I have mixed my own feed in the past. Trouble is that the birds pick out what they like and leave the rest. Won’t eat peas and waterever is powdery and falls to the bottom. So then I have to mix up the leftovers with water for them to eat them - and add a little something they actually like, like yoghurt or milk. But it’s hard to gauge how much of that they’ll eat and I used to be left with mush they didn’t finish and have to throw it out. My hens have been looking much better since I switched to a pelleted feed or crumble. I just don’t understand why nobody around here seems to care that the feed on offer is usually old. The stores are surprised when I bring it up! Why am I the only one paying attention to this? It is so odd. I am in Sonoma County, California by the way. Plenty rural, lots of chicken keepers…
When stored properly in dry, moderate temperature conditions, feed can be stored for up to 4 months, although we recommend usage within 60 days in hot, humid summer months and 90 days in cooler months.
Exactly. Though here the winters are cool and humid and the summers hot and dry. Still.
hi hun, im in France so can’t help you with suppliers although if it was posted to you from here it would probably be fresher when you get it than you can buy from your local suppliers 😂
It is dreadful, are they allowed to sell something so far out of date ? As you say it will be stale with a possibility of mould ! How many hens have you got ? Is making it yourself a possibility ?
Good luck and sorry I can’t help,
Thanks for the hug! I have 14 right now. I tried mixing my own before but that had its own problems, like I explained to Perris. Glad you don’t have this trouble in France!
Thanks for the hug! I have 14 right now. I tried mixing my own before but that had its own problems, like I explained to Perris. Glad you don’t have this trouble in France!
I give mine the expired feed, but supplement it with lots of bugs (they free range on two acres) and snacks from my kitchen (vegetables, fruit, yogurt, etc.)
I tried talking to my TSC about it but they didn’t have an answer. I’ve also tried giving them a mix but like yours they pick and choose what they want. Then they get soft eggshells ‘cause they won’t eat oyster shell.

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