Why is my duck not moving?

Do you know how to use a syringe on them without getting it into their lungs? It would be best to not squirt it down their throats but to put it on their tongues and let them swallow it. If you have used one before on them then just ignore this comment.
Is it ok if maybe I mix it with some food?
I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I'm 99% sure it was the food that we were giving them.
I recently had my 3 Black East Indies ducks have white in their mouth and I still don't know what caused it. It lasted for a few hours but then luckily mine were okay without me doing anything. They are in pens so they did not have access to any type of poisonous greenery. I pray that yours makes it alright. I guess if you can't get the charcoal down them any other way mixing it in something they would eat would be alright.
Hey, sorry for not giving you guys any updates i’ve been really busy. We called a biologist and we were told that the reason of the ducks dying or having these symptoms is due to the disease Avian botulism. So far 5 of them have died, 2 of them are sick, 1 is slightly sick, and the rest are doing just fine. Any tips on how i could help the 3 that are sick survive or have a chance to survive? We’ve given them activated charcoal, food (peas, carrots, vegetables, etc), water. They are drinking water and eating fine but the 2 that are sick cant really walk just change direction. The other that is mildly sick walks but doesn’t seem to have much energy. Thanks again for all of you that have helped!
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