Why is there more traffic on the duck forum???

I have got to chime in on this. We have 5 imprinted Canada Geese about 4 months old. We have had them since they were 48 hours old. We also have children ranging from 8-14, chickens and a cat. The geese love us, and want to be with us all the time. They tolerate the chickens because they have been raised next to them since they were a couple of weeks old, and will chase the cat if he comes into their pen. However, the cat is wise to them, and will usually just stand and face the geese. Once he stands his ground, the geese keep their distance and tolerate him. All of us hand feed them and play with them, but also make sure that we handle them several days a week, just so that they remember who is boss. I love these birds, and enjoy just hanging out with them in the back yard! Never knew just how awesome geese could be until owning them. One thing I have learned though--- even though everyone says that they really prefer to eat just grass-- they will eat just about anything in a garden as well. Thank heavens they are fertilizing it while destroying it!

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