Looks great. Mine‘s 8’ x 6’ with a 12x6 run. Good for 6 chickens without crowding. Great for 4. They’ll have lots of room, which is important.So the wife bought 4 chicks from Tractor Supply, I know story old as time..
But alas here we are, First thought was Eglu Cube w/run, 2nd thought was cute but too small and heck I can do better for $1800
Well goodbye greenhouse hello coop spot.. and a busy weekend later and the new coop is taking shape. Not sure what the final shape will actually be since I am not one to use or draw out plans.
But the basics are - 6x7 coop and attached 6x10 run plus 75% of the coop is high enough off ground for more run space. Shingled roof over both parts (I live in a HOA community so best it looks like a shed) Coop has 4' walls and is 6' at highest roof portion. 2/3 of the side will swing open for cleaning. Going with the "best nest box' type of nesting box. 3 x openable windows and gable vents for fresh air..
So first off.. Holy heck $9 for a 2x4x8 non PT Pine!!!!
1. Is there such a thing at a too tall run? given the slope of the yard the far end of the run will have 8'walls with 10' to apex of roof. is this ok?
2. Is it ok to wall off the back of the run with a solid material? the other 2 sides will be mesh but the back I want to cover with something so the neighbors dogs cannot see the birds. I assume this is fine but better to ask..
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If you think this is getting out of hand, wait until you or wife sees breeds you MUST have! It’s called “chicken math”. They’re like potato chips. I’m down to 10 hens, and more eggs than I can handle, since getting rid of the roo, Sid Vicious, my attack rooster. So, now I’m fencing in my entire acre so the girls can have the run of it all! Happy hens make the best eggs. And, gifts of eggs soothe angry neighbors.