Why We Raise Chickens


11 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Gatesville Texas
I am not a good story teller or writer but this is one story that is a deep subject that is asked to anybody that raises chickens. Why do you raise chickens? I was approached by a neighbor that asked this very question. So it got me thinking about how I got started and why. I have been raising and caring for chickens over 40 years. It was part of my childhood, my father raised his flock of free ranging standard chickens And had a coop of bantam chickens. Growing up Our #1 responsibility was gathering the eggs. Every single day we all looked forward to gathering the eggs. It was like an Easter egg hunt every single day. Egg colors ranging from brown, white, green, pink, and blue. Plus egg sizes from small, medium, large, extra large and then occasionally the jumbo, (possible double yolker).Through the years we gathered eggs, then our kids continued the excitement of gathering eggs. Now the great grandchildren gather the eggs. There is as much excitement today as it was then, watching our children's children get there arriving at grandpa's or great grandpa's and then running out the backdoor to the coops searching for the eggs and guessing where they are and who laid them. So the answer to the question was easy. We love it, we enjoy it, it is relaxing and it is a long lived family tradition.
I’ve had chickens for 9 years and I have just loved them more and more the longer I’ve had them.Still have two of my original hens.One time my chicken got in the neighbors engine (he drives a bread truck) and rode all the way to the bread store.Our poor neighbor was feeding her bread to keep her in the parking lot.My dad had to go over there and catch her.He brought her home in a cardboard box.Another one of my hens,Beardie,went in the woods for a month and came back smelling like rotten eggs(We didn’t have a rooster crazy broody bird).They no longer free range😂(due to the dogs)On my 9th or 10th birthday my dad got me 5 straight run Welsummers.Of course it was 4 roosters and 1 hen.🙄And my Poor poor bantam hen. 😂 Yesterday I put her in a baby carrier (the kind that you strap around yourself) that is meant for bearded dragons but hey she fit!I love these crazy birds TOO MUCH!!
I am not a good story teller or writer but this is one story that is a deep subject that is asked to anybody that raises chickens. Why do you raise chickens? I was approached by a neighbor that asked this very question. So it got me thinking about how I got started and why. I have been raising and caring for chickens over 40 years. It was part of my childhood, my father raised his flock of free ranging standard chickens And had a coop of bantam chickens. Growing up Our #1 responsibility was gathering the eggs. Every single day we all looked forward to gathering the eggs. It was like an Easter egg hunt every single day. Egg colors ranging from brown, white, green, pink, and blue. Plus egg sizes from small, medium, large, extra large and then occasionally the jumbo, (possible double yolker).Through the years we gathered eggs, then our kids continued the excitement of gathering eggs. Now the great grandchildren gather the eggs. There is as much excitement today as it was then, watching our children's children get there arriving at grandpa's or great grandpa's and then running out the backdoor to the coops searching for the eggs and guessing where they are and who laid them. So the answer to the question was easy. We love it, we enjoy it, it is relaxing and it is a long lived family tradition.
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Well expressed! ❤️
I am not a good story teller or writer but this is one story that is a deep subject that is asked to anybody that raises chickens. Why do you raise chickens? I was approached by a neighbor that asked this very question. So it got me thinking about how I got started and why. I have been raising and caring for chickens over 40 years. It was part of my childhood, my father raised his flock of free ranging standard chickens And had a coop of bantam chickens. Growing up Our #1 responsibility was gathering the eggs. Every single day we all looked forward to gathering the eggs. It was like an Easter egg hunt every single day. Egg colors ranging from brown, white, green, pink, and blue. Plus egg sizes from small, medium, large, extra large and then occasionally the jumbo, (possible double yolker).Through the years we gathered eggs, then our kids continued the excitement of gathering eggs. Now the great grandchildren gather the eggs. There is as much excitement today as it was then, watching our children's children get there arriving at grandpa's or great grandpa's and then running out the backdoor to the coops searching for the eggs and guessing where they are and who laid them. So the answer to the question was easy. We love it, we enjoy it, it is relaxing and it is a long lived family tradition.
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I tell everyone, if I had known how much fun chickens were I would have sold off all the horses years ago! 😉

Are they messy? Yep, but what’s a bit of chicken poop in your hair I say. Horse poop chicken poop. I’ve worn it all 🤭
I am not a good story teller or writer but this is one story that is a deep subject that is asked to anybody that raises chickens. Why do you raise chickens? I was approached by a neighbor that asked this very question. So it got me thinking about how I got started and why. I have been raising and caring for chickens over 40 years. It was part of my childhood, my father raised his flock of free ranging standard chickens And had a coop of bantam chickens. Growing up Our #1 responsibility was gathering the eggs. Every single day we all looked forward to gathering the eggs. It was like an Easter egg hunt every single day. Egg colors ranging from brown, white, green, pink, and blue. Plus egg sizes from small, medium, large, extra large and then occasionally the jumbo, (possible double yolker).Through the years we gathered eggs, then our kids continued the excitement of gathering eggs. Now the great grandchildren gather the eggs. There is as much excitement today as it was then, watching our children's children get there arriving at grandpa's or great grandpa's and then running out the backdoor to the coops searching for the eggs and guessing where they are and who laid them. So the answer to the question was easy. We love it, we enjoy it, it is relaxing and it is a long lived family tradition.
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Your chicken setting is very nice and comfy

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