...and I now suspect that OP showed up, made the one post, saw the initial responses, deleted the post and is never coming back to BYC.

They may find the approval they seek on Facebook - and their birds will continue to suffer for it.

Hopefully, others wandering across the above "recipe" will see the responses and not be tempted to try it for themselves.

Yes, sadly that may be the case. Hopefully they do come back to learn more for the sake of their birds.

The OP contained numbers that were staggering. 1.6 - 3.4 lbs at 26-30 weeks old
(if I recall correctly, but pretty close at least).
All LF breeds, including Orpingtons, Brahmas, Marans, Barred Rocks, etc.
Yes, sadly that may be the case. Hopefully they do come back to learn more for the sake of their birds.

The OP contained numbers that were staggering. 1.6 - 3.4 lbs at 26-30 weeks old
(if I recall correctly, but pretty close at least).
All LF breeds, including Orpingtons, Brahmas, Marans, Barred Rocks, etc.
Honestly, not surprised, given the feed. Add barley, and you have the ingredients in a "scratch" fomula commonly sold at Walmart.

My Brahma were slow to put on weight (though they looked heavy from the feathering), but I think my smallest birds have been my golden comet hens - around 3.3-3.6# at 17 weeks when they started laying. They were around 4.5# ea +/- at full adult weight. My SLWs a little heavier than that (BIG disappointment!)

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