Wife thought she was a chicken

I used to be really bad about sleep walking back in my teenage years. I would wake up and walk into the kitchen, piddle around, and if someone spoke to me I'd start cussing them out under my breath...so I've been told
Ya'll so funny....
That said , My DH knows better than to tell stories on me, I have a stockpile on him.
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She didn't make her nest when she got into bed. That is too funny. I have never understood people who say they don't dream. Some of my dreams are sad, angry or just plain work. Not scary anymore like when I was young. Had one not long ago where I was on a school bus, in the front seat by the door. The driver turned out to be a kid I knew, underage, no license. He ran into a giant hole. I told the kids to join hands and follow me. I woke up when I hit the carpet face down beside my bed. DH asked, "Is that you?"; "Yes dear, I just got up to go to the bathroom."

Please say you did not tell her that you posted this. You are dead. I can think of many punishments that would be enacted upon me if I "ratted" my wife out about that. How long have you been married?
Just tell her that if she is looking for the nesting box then you re still the roo of the roost!!
Ah, maybe not.
That might not help your case

Next time wash her hands. That's what the doc told me to do for DDs night terrors and it works every time. Wakes her right up, confused some but at least awake. (It will occasionally cause boys to wet themselves but not usually girls.)

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